If you represent a business and would like to supply goods to Nest.co.uk*, then please contact our buying department at buyers@nest.co.uk.

To help our buyers review your proposal, please include the following information so that we can understand more about your company:

  • Your story/history
  • Full trade terms including delivery and minimum orders
  • Lead times
  • Images of your product
  • Who currently stocks your range?
  • Are you offering exclusivity to Nest.co.uk?
  • List of your best sellers
  • Price range
  • Where do you feel your brand sits within the market?

Please send product samples and printed brochures to:

FAO: Christian Hawley
Nest.co.uk Ltd
Units 6/7 Parkwood Business Park
75 Parkwood Road
S3 8AL

*Due to the volume of emails we receive, we will only be able to respond if we are interested in pursuing your proposal further.